Berlin, Germany, April 2, 2020
art photonics GmbH and Aurora Pro Sci. LLC
sign partnership agreement
art photonics GmbH Adds Strategic Partnership to Enter a New Level in the US Market
art photonics GmbH and Aurora Pro Sci. LLC announce that the companies have entered in to a formal partnership to collaborate in spectroscopy R&D projects and distribution of art photonics’ products in US.
“We are pleased to include Aurora as one of our partners. We have not only a common goal – joint projects for spectroscopy in biotechnology, but also the desire to help US customers get the best service for our spectroscopy products. We are making sure that we are partnered with best-in-class company and our US clients will receive world-class service” said Dr. Slava Artyushenko, the President of art photonics GmbH.
“We established partnership with art photonics on potential collaboration of R&D of spectroscopy in the biotechnology applications. Also, we are distributing the full product line of their FlexiSpec® products includes fiber optic probes, bundles and fiber couplers designed for inline process spectroscopy of a broad spectral range from 200 nm to 16 µm” – noted Jason Zhou, CEO Aurora Pro Sci.
About art photonics GmbH
Art Photonics GmbH, founded in Berlin in September 1998, is one of the worldwide leaders in development and production of specialty fiber products for a broad spectrum from 300 nm to 16µm. Unique technologies of Polycrystalline Mid InfraRed (PIR-) fibers and Metal coated Silica fibers are widely used for assembly of various spectroscopy probes for medical diagnostics and industrial process control.
About Aurora Pro Scientific LLC
Aurora Pro Scientific, a comprehensive supplier offers a variety of innovative laboratory & industrial fluid handling equipment to facilitate research and development in the fields of life science, biotechnology and environmental as well as semiconductor industries. Aurora closely partnering with universities, research institutes and world leading manufacturers to deliver customized OEM spectroscopy solutions to customers. Aurora Pro Scientific LLC is based in New Jersey, United States.
For more information visit www.artphotonics.com and www.auroraprosci.com