
Spectroscopy Fiber Probes & Probe Couplers


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Latest News
16 October 2024
Leadership Update at art photonics GmbH

art photonics GmbH is pleased to announce that Dr. Stefanie Foerster has been appointed as the new CEO! Dr. Foerster brings extensive experience in general management, business development, and sales across diverse industries, including environmental, petrochemical, energy, and high-tech industries. She has held senior leadership roles at companies like thyssenkrupp and Siemens, where she has […]

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23 September 2024
NEW: 3A-Certified Hygienic Transflection Fiber Probe

Introducing the 3A-Certified Transflection Fiber Probe for Enhanced Industrial Process Control As the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries rapidly evolve, maintaining precision and hygiene in production processes has never been more crucial. Our latest innovation, the 3A-Certified Hygienic Transflection Fiber Probe, is designed to meet the most stringent sanitary requirements while delivering real-time, in-line NIR […]

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Latest Events
7 October 2024
Reminder: Mini-APACT 2024 | 8-9 October 2024, Macclesfield, UK

Just a few days left until Mini-APACT 2024! We’re excited to be part of Mini-APACT 2024 as sponsors of this year’s theme: "Developments in Application of Optical Techniques for PAT." It’s a fantastic opportunity to explore the latest advancements in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) through a series of engaging talks. Don’t miss our colleague Martin […]

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3 October 2024
18th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences | 11-14 October 2024, Mugla, Turkey

Join Us at the 18th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences! We are excited to announce that art photonics GmbH is a proud sponsor of one of the leading events in laser applications for life sciences, bridging the fields of laser physics, photochemistry, photobiology, photobiomedicine, and biophotonics. Meet our founder, Viacheslav Artyushenko, during […]

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About Our Company
art photonics GmbH, founded in Berlin in September 1998, is one of the worldwide leaders in development and production of specialty fiber products for a broad spectrum from 300 nm to 16 µm. Unique technologies of Polycrystalline Mid InfraRed (PIR-) fibers and Metal coated Silica fibers are used for assembly of various spectroscopy probes for medical diagnostics and industrial process control, in volume production of fiber for medical and industrial lasers, for different fiber bundles, etc. Since January 2024 art photonics GmbH is a member of NYNOMIC GROUP.

Here we report the development of a new “Raman-needle” fiber probe, which was designed and manufactured as part of the RaSure project, funded by the EU “Eurostars” program.

About RaSure project:

Oral cavity cancer is a major public health issue, with annually 300.000 new cases. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment, but adequate tumour removal is not achieved in 85% of the cases. This affects survival and leads to additional treatment of patients by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The hands and eyes of the surgeon are insufficient for tumour delineation in the oral cavity. Significant improvement is needed to improve the surgical success rate. In frames of RaSure, a fully automated Raman spectroscopic device is under development to achieve complete tumour removal in oral cancer surgeries. The product will consist of a dedicated Raman-based tissue inspection device, the operational system and disposable fiber-optic needle probes.

The consortium, which includes three companies: art photonics GmbH, RiverD International BV and Erasmus MC was tasked to develop a fully automated Raman spectroscopic device to help surgeons achieve complete tumour removal in oral cavity cancer surgeries. The device is inspecting removed tissue to check if the tumour has been removed with a sufficient boundary of healthy tissue during the surgery. If not, the device will inform the surgeon where extra tissue should be removed to achieve complete tumour removal. The role of art photonics GmbH is the development of the unique disposable Raman-needle fiber probe that can be inserted into the tissue multiple times and measure without loss of quality of the results.

The innovative needle probe is satisfied the strict requirements from clinicians: tiny diameter (less than 1 mm), biocompatible materials and robustness. The above-mentioned features allow Raman probe to be inserted into the tissue sample multiple times. The Raman needle probe prototypes were extensively tested together with consortium partners in Erasmus MD and in Charité Clinic in operational theatre. The prototypes on fresh resected human tongue samples are showed reliable performance in recognition of cancer and non-cancer samples. The differentiation between tumour (T) and normal (N) parts of tongue are clearly visible both on Raman spectra and on PCA models. The results are perfectly corresponding to the information received from surgeon.

MID IR-fiber probes coupled with Quantum Cascade (QC-) Laser and MCT-detector by mirror couplers

On the 1-6 February 2020 art photonics’ GmbH  participated in the exhibition and conference – SPIE BIOS 2020 in San Francisco, where art photonics’ president Dr. Viacheslav Artyushenko gave three presentations entitled:

 “Fiber solutions from 355nm to 16μm in advanced diagnostics and laser surgery”,  “Mid-infrared fiber spectroscopy for detection of cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis” and  “Multispectral tissue analysis with fiber probes in 0,3-16μm range for tumor margin guidance”

Dr. Artyushenko represented company’s latest developments of high technological fiber products for biomedical applications, including the innovative design of mid-infrared hook-shaped probe for arthroscopy (H2020 MIRACLE project).

One of the most popular devices demonstrated at our Booth at BIOS and Photonics West exhibition were QCL (nanoplus GmbH) pigtailed with our Polycrystalline (PIR)- and Chalcogenide (CIR)- fiber cables and spectroscopy fiber probes. PIR and CIR fiber cables  enable efficient coupling with QC-Lasers and provide  stable transmission under the fiber bending. Our booth visitors showed great interest in these products.

Within the MIRACLE project, art photonics GmbH developed the first prototypes of the unique hook-shaped fiber optic MIR probe for arthroscopy. The innovative MIR hook probe is based on the optical system of fibers and mirrors and satisfied the strict requirements from clinicians: tiny diameter (less than 3 mm), biocompatible materials and 90o angle hook shape. The above-mentioned features allow to reach distinct areas of cartilage for manual probing during the arthroscopy.

Two technical designs were engineered by art photonics. The first design enables multiple use of the probe due to high-resistant diamond tip. Second design solves the problem of low signal due to extra-sensitive disposable fiber loop on the end for single-time measurement.

The both prototypes were extensively tested together with consortium partners University of Eastern Finland on cartilage samples in Kuopio and showed reliable performance in recognition of crucial spectral markers of osteoarthritis.

The hook-shaped probe is essential part of the clinical device to be built in cooperation with technical partners as OptoPrecision GmbH, Nanoplus GmbH, IRIS and Norwegian University of Life Sciences and conform with the European Medical Device Regulation EU 2017/745.

Dear Customers and Partners,

art photonics invites You to join us at SPIE Photonics West 2020, which will take place in the Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, United States during 1 – 6 February 2020!

You will find us at BIOS Expo – Booth # 8450 (1-2 February 2020) and at Photonics West – Booth # 3450 (4-6 February 2020).

You are welcome to visit our Booth and discover our unique products and latest innovations for a broad range 0.3-16µm spectra applications! Above a broad variety of laser cables, fiber bundles and spectral probes, we will present innovative Raman Fiber Probe, our unique PIR-fiber probes coupled with Quantum Cascade Laser and flexible cables for CO- & CO2-lasers‘ power delivery.

Don´t miss unique opportunity to see our latest innovations and to find the best fiber solutions to run reaction monitoring, process control and biomedical diagnostics!

To see and download the invitation als pdf, please click here: Photonics West-2020_AP-Invitation

Recently, our Polycrystalline (PIR-) Fiber Cables were announced on optics.org. To find the announcement, please visit: https://optics.org/products/P000022537

FlexyRay® product line from art photonics GmbH includes unique High Power PIR-Fiber Cables for flexible delivery of CO- & CO₂ -laser radiation. Compared to hollow waveguides, PIR-fibers provide stable power transmittance under small bending radius. Special SMART treatment of PIR-fiber ends suppresses Fresnel reflection losses to enhance power transmission.

On the 29-30 August 2019 art photonics’ took part at the EPIC World Photonics Technology Summit 2019 in Berlin, Germany. There, the art photonics’ director, Dr. Viacheslav Artyushenko, gave a speech with a presentation entitled “21 Year in Fiber Photonics for Broad Spectral Range 0.3-19um” and highlighting a broad range of innovative and high technological fiber products.

To know more about the event visit epic-events.eu/cto2019/

To download the event proceedings visit:

EPIC CTO2019 ProceedingsDownload

To check the pictures of the event visit flickr.com/photos/epic-photonics/albums/72157710659957107

Der Campus Adlershof zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Technologieparks des Landes. Das hat Gründe. Allen voran findige Unternehmer mit Mut, hoher Motivation und Risikobereitschaft. Wir wollten wissen: Was treibt sie an? Welchen Zielen folgen sie? Wie ziehen sie ihre Mannschaft mit?

Nie stehenbleiben, Technologie vorantreiben, vorne mitspielen. Das treibt Kurt Winter an. Winter ist seit April Geschäftsführer der IQ Wireless GmbH, die hochleistungsfähige Funklösungen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt anbietet. Mit „FireWatch“ hat die Firma ein vielbeachtetes optisches System zur automatisierten Waldbrand-Früherkennung entwickelt. Feine, spezielle Technik am Puls der Zeit. So ganz nach Winters Geschmack.

Der Österreicher hat bereits früh sein erstes Unternehmen gegründet. So ging es weiter. Er pendelt zwischen Adlershof und dem heimatlichen Gleisdorf, wo er seit gut 20 Jahren eine Softwarefirma betreibt, die unter anderem Verkehrsmanagementsysteme entwickelt. Er weiß: Ohne motivierte Mitarbeiter, die für ihre Aufgabe brennen, lässt sich keine Firma lange am Markt halten. „Wesentlich ist, dass jeder Einzelne Verantwortung spürt, das macht, was er gut kann, und Spaß an seiner Aufgabe hat“, umreißt Winter, worauf es ihm ankommt. „Wenn es gelingt, bei sich und anderen die Freude an der Arbeit zu erhalten, dann gelingt alles“, ist sein Credo.

Daher gibt es bei IQ Wireless auch keine strengen Hierarchien und Weisungen von oben. Die Projektteams stellen sich je nach Auftrag immer wieder neu zusammen. Jedem Teammitglied ist klar, was es zum Gelingen beizutragen hat. Hilfreich dabei ist natürlich eine überschaubare Unternehmensgröße. Die 30-Mitarbeiter-Mannschaft von IQ Wireless ist für Winter ideal: „Da kann man noch ordentlich miteinander reden.“ Und genau das tat der Österreicher als erstes, als er nach Adlershof kam: Über zwei Monate hinweg nahm er sich die Zeit, mit jedem Mitarbeiter mindestens eine Stunde zu sprechen: „Das hat mir, und ich denke auch den Mitarbeitern, gutgetan. So entsteht eine gute Vertrauensbasis“, weiß Winter. Diese wird auch gepflegt: Wie es seit Jahren bei dem Hightechunternehmen Sitte ist, trifft man sich hier immer donnerstags nach Dienstschluss in der Kaffeeküche. Dort kann jeder zwanglos darüber sprechen, was ihm auf den Nägeln brennt. Winter liebt nicht nur Hightech, sondern auch den Plausch. Ein guter Unternehmer darf kein menschenscheuer sein. Das klingt bei ihm im Gespräch immer wieder durch wie auch seine Devise: Gestalten statt Verwalten. Wovon die Firma am meisten profitieren wird, ist wahrscheinlich Winters starker innerer Antrieb: „Ich bin für mein Leben gern Unternehmer“, betont er.

Auch Viacheslav Artyushenko, Gründer und Chef der art photonics GmbH, kann sich kaum einen besseren Job als seinen vorstellen: Seit 1998 entwickelt und fertigt das 30-köpfige Team Lichtwellenleiter für die Forschung, Industrie und Medizin. Zu den Kunden zählen auch die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA), die Bayer AG, BASF SE und der Laserhersteller Coherent, Inc. Physiker Artyushenko gilt als Pionier der polykristallinen mittleren Infrarot-Fiberoptik von 1980, begann in Moskau eine Wissenschaftlerkarriere, sah das sowjetische System zerbröseln, war gleich 1990 Mitgründer eines russisch- amerikanisch-deutschen Joint Venture und startete acht Jahre später mit seiner eigenen Firma in Adlershof durch. „Ich wollte, dass meine Ideen etwas bewegen, aus ihnen Produkte werden. Etwa in der Medizin, um Krebs zu bekämpfen“, sagt der 65-Jährige. „Das treibt mich bis heute an.“ Das gilt auch für seine Mitarbeiter. Herausfordernde, sinnstiftende Aufgaben seien es, die sie motivierten. Das ist der Kern. Hinzukommen kleine Teams, eine familiäre Arbeitsatmosphäre, flexible Arbeitszeiten und gemeinsame Events, wie Grillfeste, Ausflüge und natürlich Geburtstage, die gefeiert werden. „Die Arbeit soll Freude bereiten und mit der Familie vereinbar sein“, betont der Chef. Wichtig sei auch der ständige Austausch untereinander – nur so gedeihen neue Ideen und bleibt die gute Atmosphäre in der Firma erhalten. Überdies locken konkrete Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten und Boni. Aber, das betont Artyushenko immer wieder: Geld ist nicht alles.

Das deckt sich mit Antworten der Adlershofer Jahresumfrage 2018. Gefragt nach der „Motivation unternehmerischen Handelns“ sind die Top 3: Erfolg und Ansehen, soziale Motive wie Arbeitsplätze schaffen und für gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt sorgen, sowie Ideen verwirklichen und Zukunft gestalten. Man sieht: Für unternehmerische Verwalter ist Adlershof der falsche Ort.

Von Chris Löwer für Adlershof Journal

You are welcome to visit the website of Adlershof Journal and read about us: https://www.adlershof.de/news/gestalten-statt-verwalten/

Here you can download pdf-file with the original text of the article:

Adlershof Journal 04-2019 UnternehmenskulturDownload

Dear colleagues,

you are very welcome to visit our Booth B3.234 during the Laser World of Photonics 2019, which will take place on June 24 – 27, 2019 in Messe Munich, Germany.

We invite you to attend our two worldwide premieres: Mid-IR fiber probes coupled with Quantum Cascade Laser and MCT detector, and Fiber cables for high power delivery of CO- & CO₂ lasers. They will be presented at our Booth together with a broad variety of our unique laser cables & fiber bundles – to enable the best fiber solutions for a broad 0.3 – 16 µm spectral applications.

You are welcome to contact us and describe your needs – we will be glad to help you in finding the best configuration fitting your applications. You can arrange your meeting by contacting  info@artphotonics.de.

Below you can find our invitation with a short announcement of our Booth as a pdf to be download:

LWP2019 ArtPhotonics InvitationDownload

Dear colleagues,
art photonics GmbH, CPACT member, launched in 1998 in Berlin, will participate in APACT´19 on April 30th – May 2nd in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chester, UK.
You are very welcome to see a broad variety of fiber probes & couplers used in broad 0.3-16μm range with any spectrometer type: FTIR, FT-NIR, Raman, etc.
We´ll demo our spectral probes – span from the tiny versions for medical diagnostics up to the robust probes for remote reaction monitoring, – including our newest TransFlex probe and unique ATR-probes for Mid InfraRed.
Don´t miss the chance to find advanced fiber solutions for your applications in chemical process control, in diagnostics of cancer margin or in any other industrial, scientific and environment application!

Dear colleagues,

You are very welcome to visit our Booth #2458 at PITTCON 19 – the world’s largest trade fair for the analysis, laboratory-technology & biotechnology sectors, which will run on March 17 – 21, 2019 in Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, USA.

This year art photonics GmbH will demo the newest fiber solutions for Multi-Spectral fiber systems used to monitor reactions in-line by all 4 key spectroscopy method: Raman, Mid-IR-absorption, diffuse Vis-NIR-reflection & Fluorescence.

Our family of various ATR-fiber probes for FTIR-spectrometers is extended now to Raman, Fluo- and DRS probes, plus the new combi-probes used for 2-3 methods fusion.

To enable efficient coupling of various fiber probes with lab spectrometers we develop our special mirror couplers for easy connection of fiber probes with FTIR-spectrometers, MCT-  & pyrodetectors, QCL & Diode lasers, LED & other light.

We also invite you to attend our Presentations “Multispectral Process Control – From R&D to IoT-Sensors” which will take place at 3:05pm, Room 118b.

Don´t miss this chance to see the most advanced fiber solutions for process-spectroscopy, medical diagnostics and other industrial, scientific and environment applications!

Welcome to see our products and to discuss their best configuration for your applications.

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